We have a responsibility to allocate your capital to productive purposes in the pursuit of sustainable, long-term investment. As a result, we believe it is part of our stewardship role to make sure we exercise our rights as shareholders. These include engagement with, and voting on, how a company operates its business, and we may delegate these actions to either our managers or another third party. Occasionally, these active owner processes will be inadequate to achieve satisfactory outcomes and, in some instances, we may decide the best option is to divest from the investment altogether.
At CFS we have several ways to engage with companies. These are:
The degree to which our investment managers may engage with companies will depend on the strategy and nature of their investment process.
For our global investee companies we employ the services of EOS at Federated Hermes to assist us.
With an engagement framework which aligns to our own, EOS will engage with companies on behalf of CFS and keep us informed of their progress.
If you would like to read more about the engagements undertaken, please see our Annual engagement report.
As a result of our monitoring or widespread public concern, we may encourage our investment managers to engage with the company management or collaborate with other investors in an engagement. These issues may relate to climate change, human rights, environmental and resource management amongst others.
As a PRI signatory, we also use the PRI’s collaboration platform, a global online tool for collaborative initiatives, as well as being involved in several industry wide initiatives.
Exercising your right to vote as a shareholder goes hand-in-hand with engagement as a method to influence how a company operates its business.
From time to time, and at least annually, companies seek shareholder approval for a variety of issues. This important shareholder activity ensures the companies you’re invested in are operating appropriately. When the responsibility to vote on behalf of the shareholder is delegated to someone it is known as a proxy vote.
At CFS we believe active ownership can lead to better long term returns and so we have appointed a third–party proxy adviser to help us vote on the global equities held on your behalf. They will make recommendations on how to vote but the final decision will rest with CFS, to ensure it is in the best interest of all our customers.
This will provide our customers with transparency on voting on resolutions and improve the consistency of how CFSIL is voting for most of the non-Australian equities held.
Our managers will continue to vote on our (and your) behalf for the Australian equity holdings.
Voting enables investors to have a say in the key strategic decisions of a company.
Where engagement with the company has not had the desired effect, investors can raise or support shareholder resolutions (for example on climate risk disclosure or human rights issues in a company’s supply chain).
Voting on these issues ensures a company is being governed in shareholders' interests, that company management is behaving appropriately and that company risks are being managed effectively – all key to sustainable, long-term investment.
To assist us with our proxy voting duties, CFS has appointed a third–party proxy adviser to collate votes on company resolutions and to provide voting recommendations for most of the non-Australian listed companies we invest in. This will enable us to provide you with transparency and improve the consistency of how CFS is voting for most of the non-Australian companies held.
Our voting records from 1 January 2022 are available by clicking on the link below. This allows us to keep you informed on how votes have been cast across all CFS FirstChoice holdings in the most timely manner.
VDS Dashboard (issgovernance.com)
For further information on how to use this tool be please see the guide 'How to read the VDS Dashboard'.
We recognise that within a diverse group of individuals there will be various ethical beliefs and values that will shape the approach to investing.
In general, we will not take a position on, or make judgement of, an ethical or socially responsible issue unless it is specific to our investment strategy. However, there may be some ESG risks, ethical issues and circumstances in which we believe it is appropriate to take action, whether that’s through the use of negative screens, exclusions or active engagement with our investment managers. These decisions are not made lightly, and before doing so, we aim to first influence company behaviour through other means. See our engagement and proxy voting approaches for further information.
During the regular monitoring of your investments, there are many questions that concern us. The following need to be asked if we are considering an exclusion:
If we decide that the risk is great enough to warrant exclusion, we must be satisfied that your investment is not unduly affected. The following need to be answered satisfactorily:
CFS has two investment exclusions in place across all FirstChoice portfolios. These are exclusions against controversial weapons manufacturers and tobacco producers.
Due to the labour, environmental and social risks associated with the production of tobacco and manufacture of controversial weapons, we do not allow investment managers to invest in equity and debt securities1 issued by companies who are involved in these practices. Whilst we make every endeavour to exclude these companies, there may, from time to time, be unintended exposure due to lack of data, corporate activity, indirect exposure or exposure through index derivatives or third party managed pooled unit trusts.
For publicly listed assets we rely on third party data2 to assist in creating and monitoring our exclusion list. For private assets, our investment managers assess the exclusions individually and CFS will monitor on a best endeavour basis.
From December 2019, Colonial First State will not invest in equity and debt securities1 issued by companies that are manufacturing controversial weapons and tobacco producers. The list of companies is reviewed and updated each calendar year. Our current exclusion list can be viewed here.3
There is no universally accepted definition of controversial weapons. Typically, they are those that indiscriminately kill or disproportionately harm people. Through normal use, these weapons may kill civilians as well as military targets (including after conflict has ended) thus their use is prohibited and breaches global conventions on human rights.
CFS defines controversial weapons manufacturers as any company engaged in the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons, cluster munitions4, antipersonnel landmines, depleted uranium ammunition, non-detectable fragments, incendiary weapons5 and blinding lasers.
Tobacco production causes many environmental, social and economic risks. The tobacco industry is a large employer of child labour and contributor to modern slavery through bonded labour6 . It is estimated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) that 1.3 million children are employed worldwide in the sector.7 Environmental damages caused by the tobacco industry include deforestation, soil degradation by land clearing, and land and water pollution due to the extensive use of pesticides and chemicals in the agricultural and manufacturing process. From a social perspective, the product is a highly addictive drug and causes death. There is no safe level of use or exposure as death, disease and health issues arise from primary and secondary consumption.8
CFS defines tobacco producers as any company that is engaged in the production or manufacture of tobacco and tobacco related products. This includes but is not limited to companies that manufacture tobacco products, such as cigars, blunts, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, inhalers, beedis, kreteks, smokeless tobacco, snuff, snus, dissolvable and chewing tobacco. This also includes companies that grow or process raw tobacco leaves.
Investment in tobacco contravenes three major international treaties, conventions and sets of global norms principles. These include the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
1. The list of companies provided is of the parent company only. There may be subsidiaries that sit under the parent company that are not highlighted in the list above. CFSIL as a Responsible Entity has instructed Investment managers not to purchase or hold a short position in equity or debt securities (or single name derivatives that would otherwise provide effective exposure to the excluded securities) issued by the above companies or their subsidiaries. Whilst we make every endeavour to exclude these companies, there may, from time to time, be a small level of unintended exposure due to lack of data, corporate activity, indirect exposure or exposure through index derivatives or third party managed pooled unit trust. If CFSIL discovers it is holding an excluded security, they will instruct the manager to sell down in an orderly manner.
2. We rely on our third party data provider, MSCI, for its data and methodology when making decisions around the exclusions.
3. Note that the stated exclusions do not apply to cash, derivative instruments, exchange traded funds and pooled unit trusts.
4. Cluster Munitions Manufacturers definition excludes ‘Delivery Platforms’
5. Incendiary Weapons are defined as per ‘The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons of 1980 under Protocol 3’.
6. Human Rights Watch, 2018, 'A bitter harvest – child labour and human rights abuses on tobacco farms′. A Bitter Harvest: Child Labor and Human Rights Abuses on Tobacco Farms in Zimbabwe | HRW
7. Child Labour: No Quick End to Children Trapped in Tobacco Production — Global Issues
8. World Health Organisation (WHO), 'Tobacco Free Initiative'.
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Information on this webpage is provided by Avanteos Investments Limited ABN 20 096 259 979, AFSL 245531 (AIL) and Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL). It may include general advice but does not consider your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or tax circumstances. You can find the Target Market Determinations (TMD) for our financial products at www.cfs.com.au/tmd, which include a description of who a financial product might suit. You should read the Financial Services Guide (FSG) available online for information about our services. This information is based on current requirements and laws as at the date of publication.