Colonial First State’s (CFS) FirstChoice Employer Super product (FCE) is offered to superannuation members by Avanteos Investments Limited (AIL) (the trustee). FCE has a default MySuper LifeStage offer (MySuper), in addition to a large range of investment options for members to choose from (“Choice” options).
The Outcomes Assessment, for the year ending 30 June 2023, for the FCE MySuper and the FCE Choice offering concluded that overall the financial interests of members are being promoted. This document provides a summary of the key findings of the Outcomes Assessments.
The assessments were conducted using data and comparative benchmark reports to analyse the performance of FCE relative to defined criteria, for example, investment performance rankings against other comparable products. The benchmarking data is obtained from sources such as the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), independent industry research houses and in-house member records.
We assessed whether the fees and costs paid by FCE members (administration fees, and total fees & costs) are competitive. In doing so, we used segmented member data to evaluate the fee and cost outcomes across the membership.
Analysis of APRA’s Expanded Performance Test Data 2022-23, demonstrated that FCE MySuper LifeStage members are paying Relevant Administration Fees and Expenses (RAFE)1 that are cheaper than the MySuper industry median.
An analysis using research house data showed that, for FCE Choice options, administration fees for 100% of options and total fees for more than 86% of options are ‘at median or better’ when compared to industry peers.
We assessed the level of investment returns delivered to members after the deduction of fees, costs and taxes.
FCE MySuper passed APRA’s annual YFYS performance test as at 30 June 2023. Further, analysis of APRA’s Expanded Performance Test Data 2022-23 shows the investment returns for the FCE Representative Members was ‘at median’ when compared to industry peers.
With an aim to further improve MySuper performance, during FY23, changes were made within;
Using industry research house data, when compared to investment options with comparable risk profiles and asset classes, we determined that more than 86% of FCE Choice investment options achieved investment returns that were ‘at median or better’ over 1, 3, 5 or 7 years.
We assessed whether the investment volatility of each investment option was appropriate for the risk profile of the investment.
Using APRA’s MySuper Statistics, we confirmed that the Standard Risk Measure (SRM) (which estimates the likely number of negative annual returns expected over any 20 year period) for each FCE MySuper LifeStage option was comparable to similar risk weighted MySuper options.
We also verified that the investment performance of each FCE MySuper LifeStage option was aligned to its stated SRM, having only 2 years of absolute negative return since inception (i.e. since 2014).
Using industry research house data, when compared to investment options with comparable risk profiles and asset classes, it was identified that more than 92% of FCE Choice investment options achieved an investment risk ranking that was ‘at median or better’ over 1, 3, 5 or 7 years.
We worked with an independent research house to benchmark the quality of our member services against 40 key industry peers. The overall finding of the review was that FCE member services are ranked better than the median.
We assessed the performance of each investment option having regard to the stated investment objective and investment ratings given by various research houses. We also considered the suitability of the composition of the investment menu for members.
Over the recommended investment objective horizon period for each of the LifeStages, more than 86% of FCE MySuper members have achieved or are reasonably expected to achieve investment outcomes which align with the stated investment objectives of the LifeStages glide-path.
The investment menu of FCE allows members to choose from an extensive range of investment options to build a diversified portfolio.
We determined that more than 80% of investment options have delivered upon (and are expected to continue to deliver upon) their stated investment objectives over their stated investment timeframe.
We also confirmed that more than 96% of ‘on-menu’ investment options meets or exceeds the ‘Investment Grade’ ratings by multiple research houses.
To evaluate the appropriateness of the insurance strategy for FCE, we used AIL’s Annual Insurance Review for 2023, which was conducted by an independent research house. The report concluded that FCE Insurance terms and conditions are quite reasonable and competitive with other funds. Overall, the conditions are slightly more favourable than its competitors.
It was also assessed that the claim processing time for 86% of Death, 84% of TPD & 70% of IP insurance claims are better than APRA’s average processing time.
AIL’s Annual Insurance Review for 2023, found that across Death and TPD (Total and Permanent Disablement), Death Only and Income Protection, more than 77% members are paying insurance premiums that are ‘at median or cheaper’ in comparison to the industry/peers.
It is estimated that the average member pays premiums which are 0.8% of their salary and more than 73% of members are paying premiums that are less than 1% of their salary.
Scale is important as it allows AIL to meet its commitments and negotiate competitive arrangements for members. As at 30 June 2023, based on APRA’s Annual fund-level superannuation statistics, AIL was the 7th largest provider of superannuation in Australia with total super assets of approximately $110 billion and a membership of approximately 821k members.
As at 30 June 2023, FCE had superannuation assets of $14 billion and a membership of 197k members.
100% of FCE investment options held assets of more than $30m and therefore did not have any imminent last man standing risk.
As at 30 June 2023, based on APRA’s fund level data, AIL’s superannuation operating cost ratio was ranked among the lowest in the industry (1st quintile). AIL’s operating costs have increased over the last few years due to regulatory compliance and aging infrastructure costs. However, a number of projects are underway to further automate and streamline our processes, and improve our technology platforms, which are expected to stabilise AIL’s operating costs in the longer term.
Dividend payments that were paid to our parent companies were made in accordance with AIL’s Capital and Dividend Policy, which requires that the amount and timing of any dividend is consistent with AIL’s fiduciary duties and members’ best financial interests.
We confirmed the appropriateness of each category of fee and cost charged to members.
The fees and costs paid by FCE members were assessed as being sufficient to cover the costs of the product and that the manner in which fees and costs are charged to members is appropriate.
We concluded that on balance the FCE MySuper LifeStages and FCE Choice offerings, both, are promoting the financial interests of members.
RAFE’, as defined by APRA, is the sum of representative member administration fees and costs, representative member administration-related tax expense/benefit, representative member advice fees and costs, and representative member advice-related tax expense/benefit, as reported to APRA in accordance with the investment performance standard.
Avanteos Investments Limited ABN 20 096 259 979, AFSL 245531 (AIL) is the trustee of the Colonial First State FirstChoice Superannuation Trust ABN 26 458 298 557 and issuer of FirstChoice range of super and pension products. Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL) is the responsible entity and issuer of products made available under FirstChoice Investments and FirstChoice Wholesale Investments.
Information on this webpage is provided by AIL and CFSIL. It may include general advice but does not consider your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or tax circumstances. You can find the target market determinations (TMD) for our financial products at which include a description of who a financial product might suit. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Financial Services Guide (FSG) carefully, assess whether the information is appropriate for you, and consider talking to a financial adviser before making an investment decision. You can get the PDS and FSG at or by calling us on 13 13 36.