Invests in strategies that aim to deliver strong and consistent levels of income.
Seeks to protect the purchasing power of investments during inflationary periods.
Leverages proprietary research and overlay strategies to gain opportunities in global markets.
7%-10% over the RBA cash rate
The fund seeks the most compelling risk-adjusted return opportunities within global fixed income markets. The primary focus is to seek out market distortions, dislocations and distressed opportunities within the higher returning parts of the capital structure. Strict risk controls aim to provide strong capital protection.
Absolute Return Fixed Income
RBA cash rate
December 2020
1.4725% + performance fee of 20.5% of returns above 6% p.a.
3+ years
4.0 - 5.5%
Wholesale investors only
*Inclusive of net GST. Please refer to the Information Memorandum for further details on fees and other costs that apply.
For technical enquiries contact us
Standard Operating Hours
8:30am to 6pm (Sydney time)
Holiday Period
CLOSED public holidays (25 to 26 Dec & 1 Jan)
23 Dec 2024 to 3 Jan 2025, 9am to 3pm (Sydney time)
6 to 10 Jan 2025, 8:30am to 5pm (Sydney time)
4. Colonial First State Investments Limited ABN 98 002 348 352, AFSL 232468 (CFSIL) is the responsible entity and issuer of Fortlake Real-Income Fund, Fortlake Real-Higher Income Fund and Fortlake Sigma Opportunities Fund. Information on this webpage is provided by CFSIL. It may include general advice but does not consideranyone’s individual objectives, financial situation, needs or tax circumstances. You should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statements (PDSs), InformationMemorandum (IM) and Financial Services Guides (FSG) before making any recommendations to a client. The PDSs, IM and FSG can be obtained from by calling us on 13 18 36.