FY25 Pocket Guide

  • Total superannuation balance is measured at 30 June of the previous financial year. Total superannuation balance is the total of all the components outlined in the table below.

    Total super balance component 30 June value of:

    Accumulation phase value at 30 June

    Any superannuation interest that is not in the ’retirement phase' is in the accumulation phase.

    Examples of accumulation phase value include:

    • accumulation account balances

    • accruing defined benefit interests with a withdrawal value

    • transition to retirement income stream account balances
      (where the member is under age 65 and has not notified the trustee of meeting a condition of release)

    If the member does not have a transfer balance account, the accumulation phase value is reduced by any structured settlement contributions.

    Adjusted retirement phase value at 30 June

    The 30 June adjusted retirement phase value is the 30
    June balance of the transfer balance account adjusted to:

    • reflect the 30 June account balance of account based pensions (see FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide) and

    • exclude any structured settlement contributions.

    In transit rollovers at 30 June

    Amount of any rollover superannuation benefit not reflected in the accumulation phase or transfer balance account (i.e. rollovers in transit at 30 June).

    Certain outstanding LRBA amounts

     A member’s share of any outstanding loan balance under a limited recourse borrowing arrangement (LRBA), where:

    • the fund is an SMSF or SAF, and 

    • the loan arose under a contract entered into on or after 1 July 2018, and either

      • the member has satisfied any of the following eligible conditions of release: 

        • retirement 

        • terminal medical condition 

        • permanent incapacity, or 

        • reaching age 65; or

      • the LRBA lender is an associate of the fund.

      For more information please see the FirstTech SMSF Guide.

    For more information, see the FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide.

  • Super measures impacted by total superannuation balance

    Non-concessional contributions

    Total superannuation balance must be less than $1.9 million at 30 June in previous financial year, otherwise non-concessional contributions cap for following financial year will be nil

    Bring-forward rule

    Total superannuation balance must be less than $1.66 million at 30 June in previous financial year, otherwise amount that can be contributed under bring-forward provision is reduced

    Concessional contributions

    Total superannuation balance must be less than $500,000 at 30 June in previous financial year to be able to use carried forward concessional contributions

    Government co-contribution

    Total superannuation balance must be less than $1.9 million at 30 June in the previous financial year to be eligible for Government co-contribution

    Spouse contribution tax offset

    Receiving spouse's total superannuation balance must be less than $1.9 million at 30 June in previous financial year for contributing spouse to be eligible for a tax offset for spouse contributions


    SMSFs are prohibited from using the segregated method to determine exempt current pension income during a financial year where:

    • at least one member has a retirement phase income stream at any time during the financial year, and

    • at 30 June of previous financial year, a member has a total superannuation balance of more than $1.6 million and is receiving a retirement phase income stream (from any fund).

    However, this rule does not apply if all of the fund’s assets would otherwise be segregated current pension assets at all times during the year.

    Work test exemption

    Total superannuation balance must be less than $300,000 at 30 June in previous financial year to potentially use the work test exemption for eligibility to claim a tax deduction for personal super contributions made at age 67 - 74.

    For more information, see the FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide.