FY25 Pocket Guide

  • Super lump sum Super income stream



    Max rate of tax

    Tax treatment

    Any age

    Whole component

    Not subject to tax

    Not subject to tax1


    For capped defined benefit income streams – see Additional taxation of defined benefit income > $118,750 below for more information.

    For taxation of death benefits see Taxation of super death benefits paid to a dependant and Taxation of super death benefits paid to a non-dependant in the sections below.

  • Super lump sum Super income stream



    Max rate of tax

    Tax treatment

    Aged 60 and above

    Whole component is non-assessable non-exempt income (NANE)


    Not subject to tax1

    Below age 60

    Whole component (assessable income)


    MTR (no tax offset2)


    For capped defined benefit income streams – see Additional taxation of defined benefit income > $118,750 below for more information.


    Disability superannuation income streams receive a 15% tax offset (see Superannuation pension and annuity tax offset).

    For taxation of death benefits please see Taxation of super death benefits paid to a dependant and Taxation of super death benefits paid to a non-dependant in the sections below.

    For all non-zero tax rates, Medicare levy may also apply.

  • Super lump sum Super income stream



    Max rate of tax

    Tax treatment

    Aged 60 and above

    First $1.78m1


    MTR less a 10% tax offset3

    Balance over $1.78m1


    MTR less a 10% tax offset3

    Below age 60

    First $1.78m1


    MTR (no tax offset)

    Balance over $1.78m1


    MTR (no tax offset)


    $1.78 million is the 2024–25 untaxed plan cap amount, per superannuation plan, indexed annually.


    A tax offset applies, so the taxpayer pays no more than the lower of their marginal rate and the maximum tax rate shown, to the extent that the taxable component is within the relevant cap.


    For capped defined benefit income streams – see Additional taxation of defined benefit income > $118,750 below for more information.


    Rates of 45% shown above are specified flat rates rather than maximum rates.

    For taxation of death benefits please see Taxation of super death benefits paid to a dependant and Taxation of super death benefits paid to a non-dependant in the sections below.

    For all non-zero tax rates, Medicare levy may also apply.

  • Defined benefit income is income paid from a capped defined benefit income stream. See FirstTech Capped Defined Benefit Income Streams Guide for more information on capped defined benefit income streams.

    The additional taxation in the table below only applies to defined benefit income in excess of $118,750 pa where:

    • the beneficiary is age 60 or over, or

    • the income stream is also a death benefit income stream, where the deceased member was age 60 or over at the time of death, and it is paid to a member under age 60.

    Component Standard tax concession applies if below $118,750 Additional tax treatment1


    Non-assessable non-exempt (NANE)

    If (tax‑free + taxed element) exceeds $118,750 in an income year, then 50% x (tax free + taxed element) in excess of cap is included in assessable income

    Taxable (taxed element)

    Non-assessable non-exempt (NANE)

    Taxable (untaxed element)

    MTR less tax offset equal to 10% of the element untaxed

    If the total of all components exceeds $118,750 in an income year, then the 10% offset on the untaxed element is reduced (but not below zero).

    Reduction = 10% x (all components - $118,750)


    For a full explanation of the taxation of capped defined benefit income streams please see the FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide.

  • Rollover of super benefit Tax treatment

    Taxable component (untaxed element)

    First $1.78m taxed at 15%1 (paid by receiving fund)
    Excess taxed at 47% (withheld by paying untaxed fund)

    Taxable component (taxed element)

    Not subject to tax when rolled over

    Tax-free component

    Not subject to tax when rolled over


    Medicare levy does not apply.

    See Death benefit rollovers in the FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide for the special treatment of rollovers of super death benefit income streams.

  • Age of deceased Type of death benefit Age of dependant Taxation of taxable component

    Any age

    Lump sum

    Any age

    Not subject to tax

    Aged 60 and above

    Income stream

    Any age

    Taxed element: Not subject to tax

    Untaxed element: MTR less 10% tax offset1

    Below age 60

    Income stream

    Age 60 and above

    Taxed element: Not subject to tax

    Untaxed element: MTR less 10% tax offset1

    Below age 60

    Income stream

    Below age 60

    Taxed element: MTR less 15% tax offset

    Untaxed element: MTR


    For capped defined benefit income streams – see Additional taxation of defined benefit income > $118,750 above for more information.

    A dependant for tax purposes is a spouse, including a de facto or a former spouse, a child under the age of 18, a financial dependant or a person in an interdependency relationship.

    The tax-free component is non-assessable, non-exempt income and is not subject to tax.

  • Age of deceased Type of death benefit Age of non-dependant Taxation of taxable component

    Any age

    Lump sum

    Any age

    Taxed element: 15%

    Untaxed element: 30%

    Any age

    Income stream

    Any age

    Not permitted after 1 July 2007

    Death benefit income streams commenced prior to 1 July 2007 will be taxed in the same manner as if paid to a 'dependant'

    For capped defined benefit income streams – see Additional taxation of defined benefit income > $118,750 above for more information.

    For all non-zero tax rates, Medicare levy may also apply.

    The tax-free component is non-assessable non-exempt income, and is not subject to tax.