FY25 Pocket Guide

  • 2024–25  
    Total income (TI)  Reduction in co‑contribution (R) Maximum co‑contribution Payment rate

    $0 – $45,400



    Lesser of:

    • $0.50 per $1 of non-concessional

    • maximum co-contribution 


    More than $45,400 but less than $60,400

    (TI – $45,400) × 0.03333

    $500 – R

    $60,400 +




    Total income (TI) = assessable income (disregarding any assessable FHSS released amount) + reportable fringe benefits + non-excessive reportable employer super contributions (e.g. salary sacrifice contributions) - business deductions (other than work-related employee expenses or personal super contributions).

    To be eligible for a co-contribution, total super balance must be below $1.9 million on 30 June 2024.

    See FirstTech Super and Retirement Income Streams Guide for further information.